Comments by Tammy Jo Hillbilly

Total Comments: 14
First Post On: 12/11/2003 10:43 AM
Last Post On: 07/06/2006 08:49 PM
#1) Thursday, December 11, 2003
Old School was predictably okay? You're high! You had to laugh at "We're streaking! We're streaking!"

Undoubtedly, Old School is a Revenge of the Nerds formula movie where the underdog gets the girl and makes good in the end, but you most overlook that to appreciate one of the few actually funny comedies to appear in a long time.

Ear muffs!

#2) Thursday, December 11, 2003
My taste could be questionable--as I recently ordered the Little House on the Prairie TV shows from Netflix--but if you want really funny, check out Eddie Izzard Dress to Kill.

I don't think I've seen Will Ferrell in anything else, including SNL, so I had no opinion of him going in. It also helped that I expected OS to be lame and it turned out to have some good laughs.

#3) Sunday, February 08, 2004
I have a theory that good movies are rarely able to live up to their hype. My favorite movies weren't necessarily popular ones and I suspect that's due in part to the fact that I didn't have any expectations going in.

Lost in Translation is one of the best movies I've seen in a long time--much better than the LoTR chase scenes that pass for "epics."

#4) Tuesday, February 17, 2004
I think this day after phenomenon becomes more compelling the further you get from the place you normally see the person. If I spot you at the stoplight on 28, that's not a very exciting viewing. However, if I spot a you in Arlington, that's more of a "wow, what a coincidence" event. The epitomy of these sightings is when you spot someone you know in another state or another country.

The sightings are even more fun when the location reveals a common interest. We spotted our barrista from Starbucks at a Bill Maher performance, where she was too far away for us to talk to her. The following Monday we had a nice talk about the show while she made our espressos. Fun connection.

#5) Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Brought back from the dead? You must be a Once world record holder on Warcraft/Frenzy.

Can you tell by the way I wrote that that I don't know what the hell Warcraft/Frenzy is/are?

I like your new banner, tagline, and the verizon logo ripoff.

You actually have two black holes: one to the right of your banner and one to the left of your calendar. I realize they are not the same height, but it you put them on the same horizontal line then you'll eliminate some of your black hole issues.

#6) Thursday, March 17, 2005
Here's an easy trick that saves you from having to count up from 1979 to determine your age: subtract 9 from my age.

Works most of the year.

#7) Monday, March 14, 2005
How frequently do I have to comment to get an avatar?

#8) Wednesday, November 23, 2005
In my high school, the Key club members were geeks.

I don't get the Ana-Lucia dislike that is popular among LOST watchers. I totally dig that character. Sure, she's a little one note, but so were a lot of characters before their flash backs.

My LOST peeve is the 90210 acting method of many of the actors. Kate's Brenda Walsh chewing on her lip and posing in sexily every scene, Shannon's Tori Spelling ballerina screaming about being a joke (yes, you are) right before she bites it, Jack's Brandon Walsh tormented by anti-hero hero responsibilities, and Sawyer's Dylan McKay sneering as a bad boy loner with a heart of gold, are all enough to make me shove a Bright Lights and Sounds Fun Cube through the TV screen.

But Ana-Lucia--her priority is the survival of the maximum number of people. she's practical and unapologetic. I'd rather have her at my back than Sawyer, Michael (whose only line is Walt! Walt!), Bernard, Cindy, or Libby. she's neck and neck with Echo in terms of usefulness.

#9) Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Zoe has the Peek-a-Blocks Gobble and Go Hippo:

#10) Thursday, November 17, 2005
Evidence that Asian males do sell. I give you Daniel Dae Kim. Hott!

#11) Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Plastic food products. Pie with a slice rattling around, cheerios, and I forget what else.

#12) Monday, May 15, 2006
Most of the parents I know who use flex time and work from home in order to have more time with their kids end up working longer hours than before they had kids. A friend of mine who previously worked 50 hours/week in the office now works 60 hours/week from home, and she doesn't shoot the shit with co-workers like her in-office co-workers do. Another friend went to "part time" after having a baby and now gets part time pay for continuing to work 40 hours or more per week, only now she does it in the evening after the baby goes to be instead of doing it in the office. Personally, when I work at home, I get way more done than when I'm in the office. I try to avoid WAH though because I don't want to bring my work life into the home.

Since most of those who work from home are more productive and work longer hours, you'd think more companies would be more accomodating. People are more determined to prove they are working when they can't be physically seen. When they can be seen, they feel free to read and post on the URI zone and gab with their co-workers.

#13) Tuesday, May 23, 2006
I had an impacted wisdom tooth. It hurt. I still think it's better to wait. They may never bother you. Dentists recommending "preventative" procedures is known as "aggressive revenue seeking strategies," according to a dentist who gave my friend a second opinion on the supposed root canals she needed. If you aren't in pain and practice good dental hygiene, why suffer through oral surgery?

#14) Thursday, July 06, 2006
What a nice post. Thanks for sharing. BTW, I've always been impressed by your apparently vast network of friends. I can't imagine you as ever not having had a heaping ton of friends.